At Latymer All Saints, we believe that children deserve and have a right to develop into physically and mentally, healthy rounded characters as well as academic achievers. We achieve this through the PSHE curriculum reflecting our core values of Love, Service and Aspiration. Love is the glue for family and relationships and children need to learn what this looks like. We believe that serving others is one way to take the focus off self and counter negative or depressive feelings which can plague young people today. Lastly, we believe that having aspirations develops resilience as learners push through difficult times with a loving and supportive network where they can be their true self and not feel the need to pretend that they can manage it all by themselves.
At HeartSmart - the scheme we use to teach PSHE - they took this biblical definition of love (1 Corinthians 13 v 4-7) and used it to form an everyday language that children can truly understand. It is called the HeartSmart High Five.
As part of developing the whole character we also have:
For individual year group focus see our curriculum overview below
In PSHE, we monitor progress and assess the subject through class observations, work scrutiny and pupil voice where children are asked their views on the subject. At the beginning of each unit children draw or write about what they know and repeat this at the end of the unit to show how much progress they have made.
See HeartSmart Progression Grid below for how PSHE skills develop year on year
When our pupils leave Latymer All Saints, they are wholesome, developed characters who have grown in a better understanding of who they are and how best to relate to others in love and service. The hope is that they have developed resilience to life’s ups and downs so that they do not give up on their aspirations. Furthermore, they will have a good understanding of the importance of family, friends and building a healthy network of support to help others and themselves. They will develop into individuals who have the confidence to be themselves and know where they can safely share the challenges that they will face in life.