At Latymer All Saints, we believe that the importance of science should be recognised in every aspect of life. To achieve this, we aim to give the high level teaching of science required to inspire the children’s love for asking questions, being curious about the world around them and inspiring them to become the next generation of scientists, doctors, nurses, engineers, inventors etc.
Over the course of their study, the children will become confident in important scientific knowledge as well as using key scientific and enquiry based skills through a range of different investigations.
They will:
In these pictures you can see year 3 investigating the different conditions that impact plant growth. This builds on from work they have done in EYFS, year 1 and year 2.
Year 5 looking at electrical conductors and insulators building on from previous work on electricity in year 4.
Year 4 studying sound by making string telephones.
Our curriculum is a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum where teaching and learning show progression across all key stages within the three strands of Science (biology, chemistry and physics).
We teach science within science lessons each week but also through cross-curriculum topics which have been designed specifically for our rich and diverse community and that we have developed over time.
Children have access to key vocabulary in order to understand what it means and readily apply it to their written, mathematical and verbal work. Children use a range of resources such as Explorify, Developing Experts as well as hands on resources like the edible playground, microscopes and computing equipment to develop their knowledge and understanding, which is essential to their learning and understanding of working scientifically, when carrying out practical investigations.
Children build on prior knowledge (teachers are expected to know what has been taught previously as well as having a secure understanding of what needs to be taught to ensure repetition and building on prior knowledge are effective) and link ideas together, enabling them to question the world around them and become enquiry based learners.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage pupils explore science through making basic predictions, using their senses and investigating the world around them.
In Key Stage one pupils observe, explore and develop their questions about the seasons, living things, plants, animals, materials and the world around them. They start to think about how to collect evidence to help them test scientific questions, find patterns, classify and group objects, carry out fair tests, research different science topics and work together to solve problems.
In Key Stage 2 children are encouraged to become more independent scientists and come up with their own scientific questions about the world around them. They make detailed observations over time, look for patterns in natural phenomena, classify and group objects, carry out fair tests, research different science topics and work together to solve problems. The children independently identify variables within an investigation and think about which ones to change and which ones to keep the same and then think about what further questions they could investigate from the results they collect.
There are further opportunities to try science at home through FITT (Film Internet Text Trip) homework projects which are completed during each holiday.
Events such as STEM DAY allow all pupils to come off-timetable, providing broader provision and the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.
The children are also shown how the science they are learning can be used in different careers so that they are inspired to become the scientists of the future.
Please click on the link below to view our science curriculum overview
When our pupils leave Latymer All Saints, they are able to retain knowledge that is pertinent to science with a real life context; question ideas and reflect on knowledge. They are able to work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment and they can explain the process they have taken and reason scientifically.
The approach to science at Latymer All Saints Primary School results in a fun, engaging, high-quality science education, that provides children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world.
Children leave knowing the different possibilities for careers in science and are inspired to keep achieving in science, wanting to question how things work and to solve problems using their scientific knowledge. Throughout their time at Latymer All Saints they learn about a range of different scientists from various backgrounds so that all children feel they are scientists and are capable of achieving.
Please click on the links below to view our science and scientific enquiry progression maps