At Latymer All Saints, we believe that physical education, taught in a safe and supportive environment, enables children to develop the necessary tools and understanding to make a positive impact on their own physical health and well-being.
Our broad and balanced curriculum ensures that all children experience a wide variety of sports and physical skills which will lead to life-long fitness and healthy life choices.
PE at Latymer All Saints is taught by class teachers and specialist coaches, who also deliver lunchtime clubs and after-school activities.
We teach physical education using the Enfield scheme of work (which has the national curriculum at its core). The planning is sequenced with clear progression of skills (such as, agility, balance, coordination and fitness) from EYFS through to Year 6.
The different areas of physical education that are taught include: athletics, dance, games (striking and fielding / net and wall), gymnastics and orienteering (Outdoor Adventurous Activities - OAA).
Children in year 5 attend the local Edmonton Green Leisure Centre for a series of structured swimming lessons taught by specialist coaches.
Throughout the day, children are encouraged to participate in fitness activities, during PE lessons, active lunchtime, after-school clubs, outdoor learning, lunchtime clubs and special events, e.g. Daily Mile, Bike ability and our bi-annual sports day events.
Active Lunch
We have developed our active lunchtime to give the children an opportunity and access to practise different skills and work on playing team sports. Our active lunch is full of skipping, building, aiming games, team sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, 4 square and ping pong. These activities help develop their leadership skills and empathy as all children from Reception to year 6 play together.
We participate in events run by the Enfield PE Team, including: Boys football league, Girls football league, Netball League, District Sports (athletics), Dance Festival, Boccia League, Gymnastics competition and Panathlon
Sports days
We enrich our curriculum with our annual Panathlon and sports day.
Our outdoor summer sports day is held in the summer term with lots of different events, from relay races, hurdling, egg and spoon, sack race, aiming and co-ordination events.
Our annual Panathlon for all year groups is held in the spring term, with inclusive events (adapted ping pong, Boccia and aiming and co-ordination).
Sports Premium
One way we use our sports premium funding to further enrich our curriculum is by taking all the children from Reception to year 6 to the Lee Valley Athletics Centre to experience training at an athletic stadium with profession athletes as coaches. The children participate in different athletics activities such as track, relay, long jump, Javelin and hurdling. During this time, they also get to question the professional athletes (some of whom are part of team GB) about their journey to success, training and competition. We also hold an annual skipping day, when all the children from Nursery to year 6 participate in skipping workshops, learning to skip (including tricks).
For individual year group focus see our curriculum overview below
When our pupils leave Latymer All Saints, they are motivated to further develop their individual potential and take part in lifelong physical activity. Pupils have increasing self-confidence in their abilities and use their skills to make a positive impact on their own physical health and well-being.
See Progression grids document below for how PE skills develop year on year
School Games
The School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.