At Latymer All Saints, we believe that RE, although an academic subject, is integral to our community living out our school vision:
We follow the London Diocesan Board for Schools RE syllabus.
Each unit is based around a big question, with each lesson focussing on a subsidiary question. These questions are explored through the lenses of:
Two-thirds of the curriculum is based on Christianity. Each of these units is rooted in a core theological concept, which together tell the whole story of the Bible through to Christianity today: Creation; The Fall; The People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, and The Kingdom of God. Bibles are a regular feature of our RE lessons as children are taught to engage critically with texts.
The remaining third of the curriculum is based on the other 5 major world religions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism with planned opportunities to consider alternative worldviews.
Through engaging lessons, use of artefacts and trips (Places of worship are visited for all 6 world religions), our curriculum ensures that children are always moving forward in their knowledge and skills, building on what they have learnt previously. For example; they begin learning about the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) in KS1, revisiting these at points later on in their journey and explore the other major world religions in KS2.
Every unit is supported through the use of Wonder Books and the RE Learning Journey, giving children the opportunity to work and respond collaboratively in groups or as individuals, recap and recall prior and current learning and access knowledge and vocabulary in a shared environment.
The RE curriculum is further complimented:
Please click on the links below to view our RE curriculum overview
When our pupils leave Latymer All Saints, they are equipped to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and worldviews. They make good or better progress from their starting points.
Children are also given space to reflect on their own religious, spiritual or philosophical convictions. Through this, the children encounter the depth and breadth of religious views in the society in which they live and are encouraged to consider their place within that. This is an important way in which we experience life in all its fullness and grow to be the best that we can be at LAS.
Children’s progress is monitored throughout a unit, through questioning and a range of activities. These provide opportunities for children to demonstrate age appropriate skills in the three disciplines (Theology – Believing, Philosophy – Thinking and Human/Social Science – Living), as well as a retention of religious vocabulary and substantive knowledge. Work samples and pupil voice form the basis of evidence showing good or better progress.
Please click on the link below to view our disciplinary knowledge and skills document