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  • RE Day - May 24th 2024

    Published 03/06/24

    The final Friday of the term - RE Day, looking at Sources of Wisdom and Authority / Sacred texts.

    We gain wisdom and understanding from many different sources, but do they prepare us for life and a possible future beyond, and what is our purpose here on earth?

    The children have had an opportunity to have and share personal accounts of what is important to them and where they get their strength, peace, hope, confidence and courage from.

    Visitors were in school sharing their personal experiences of sacred texts, and we had a musician sharing his experiences of music and the strength he receives from this God given gift, that he shares with others.

    In class, children were exploring different religious texts, and thinking about how we access these through translations and whether the message changes

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  • Latest news

    Published 27/03/24

    Latymer All Saints Primary School joined the campaign to encourage children to eat vegetables.

    To further encourage parents and children to see the benefits of vegetables, Raddish, our catering provider, has displayed for free sampling, a range of delicious and healthy vegetables.

    The children and teachers will be able to try them during the lunch hour and our parents will experience their taster session after school. Our tongues are sure to experience an extravaganza of tastes and flavours!

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