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Year 3

PE days

PE days are: 3Blue: Mondays and Wednesdays; 3Red and 3Yellow: Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please make sure that your child wears their active uniform on these days so that they can fully take part in their PE lessons.

Daily Focused Reading (DFR)

Children in Key stage 2 are taught reading through Daily Focused Reading or DFR. This approach allows teachers to explicitly teach particular content domains in depth and ensure understanding. We use a range of quality texts to explore a range of genres and types of literature. DFR is delivered though a daily lesson.

Homework and reading books

Reading books are changed every week.

Homework is given out every Friday and children should return it by the following Tuesday.

DFR homework is given out on a Friday and it should be returned the following Monday for use in the DFR lesson.

We expect children to read at home every day and their home reading record books should be completed. Children should bring their reading books and reading record books to school each day.